11th of February 2020 ... this is how it started, first load, "cappuccino" alias wake up jump...

Ready to work on new freestyle moves with the best camera flyer Tim Porter! Sooo excited!

The side spin starts to finally work... Check out our 6 seconds sneak peak!

Unfortunately after the opening, things dont go so smooth anymore... my parachute fall in love with this new freestyle move and decided it wants to try it too! 

At first, innocent looking line twist, turns into an extremely freestylish spinning mulfunction, that is not really what I am looking for... so it is time to get rid of that quickly! Cutaway, stop the freefall spinning, get stable again, pull the reserve! Tim tracks away to give me some space and I quickly take care about this unwanted freestyle! Time for the yellow chute, yeah! Thanks to Javi Centeno Gomez for very nice and smooth opening and now I can continue to the landing area smoothly ;)

Flying straight to Tim for high five, I slipped on the morning wet grass, so I will not share the freestyle landing with you :D But landed safe and happy, that's all that matters! Soo thankfull! We walk back to the hangar and than go into the fields to find the misbehaved freestyle canopy!

It appears it either was trying to do some freestyle spinning, or the canopy was in a mood to play golf! It landed on the beautiful golf course next to the dropzone exactly 6m from the hole! This is exactly where we found it! 

Special thanks belongs to SKYDIVE ALGARVE dropzone stuff, who helped us to find the canopy and the free bag. OBRIGADA!

And special thanks belong to SKYDIVE SEVEN, who took me and the misbehaved parachute after it was repacked few hours later for a real spinning adventure in the best aerobatic special EXTRA 300. Enjoy little sneak peak from this lovely flying! TOP TOP TOP!

EXTRA 300 is the best plane on the planet Earth, that's 100% GUARANTEED! And the most beautiful! ;)

Stay tuned for more extreme AEROBATICS adventures coming soon! Now it is time to get some rest and get ready for more freestyle tomorrow!

Enjoy full photogallery from spinning day! 

Your extreme athlete


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