If you just want to do your first step from the airplane on your own, dont wait and just do it! 

UPCOMING available trainings on your request and of course according to weather ;)

The easiest way, how to do it is a STATIC LINE COURSE. This type of training is provided by EXTREME66, the biggest skydiving school in Prague with hundreds of students jumping over the Czech republic during the summer and all over the world all year long!

During a jump with static line, the parachute is linked to the airplane. The static line opens the parachute without intervention of the student and regardless of his position after the exit. The student remains in freefall for about four seconds, before his main canopy gets completely opened. This time is sufficient enough for a student to experience the air pressure and become aware of his position until the full opening of his canopy.

In order to safely open his parachute in freefall, a skydiver has to be in a stable position. Before a student can practice freefall on his own, he has to show that he masters this position.To be able to do this, the student jumps from 1 200 meters with an automatic opening device.


We will train you and discuss with you all important information you need to know to enjoy your first jump and do everything safely. During your training, we will be watching a lot of videos, that will help you a lot to imagine something you actually cant imagine before you try.You can join our wind tunnel session customized for first time skydivers! We will practise some exits from the airplane on the ground, exercise all the normal and emergency procedures and get ready for the worse in order to enjoy the best!

It is up to you, if you want to continue with the training, go higher and try your first freefall, get your license and become a real skydiver. For more info check out the section ONGOING TRAINING!

Anyway, whatever you choose, I guarantee that you will be happy as those guys smiling before their first jump!


Order your first solo jump training in our ESHOP and you will see!

Price 196 € (4 960 CZK)

UPCOMING available trainings on your request and of course according to weather ;)


Jindra Poláčková (26), project assistant - 1 jump

"I have been always a little tempted to do a tandem skydive, probably not enough to realize it, I thought one day I jump, but I wasn´t really going for that. I have not even heard of the possibily of a solo jump. I know about paratroopers of course, but I had a feeling it's something so beyond me - totally unrealistic.

One day I had a chance of meeting the instructor Rosina at Trampoline training and I really liked the way she was very calmly telling me about her hobby, that I almost felt it was something as trivial as you go into the store for rolls, so I thought, why not trying it.

First I attended theoretical course which perfectly prepared me for a jump. At the airport we tried everything several times again and again on the ground. So the next step was just to jump. Of course I was afraid of something new, but in my mind ran the thought that I have to jump, otherwise Rosina will not be able to jump and she will be mad at me. After boarding I thought that I cannot deal with thoughts of fear, but only do individual acts, as we are trained - to catch the doors, the strut, to put one foot out, the other one, hang up and then just exit. The view from the plane was so great that I was just astonished. I will fly there! During the flight I was feeling incredible peace and a sense of something unforgettable, unique and feel of joy, happiness and the only thing I was saying with a smile - I'm flying! I have absolutely enjoyed the flight, admired the beautiful landscape and I know it's something I will definitely try again! If you don´t try it, you don´t know what you are missing! So my conclusion are just three words - Go for it!"

Marketa Hajkova (27), flight attendant - 1 jump

„I always wanted to try the parachuting, but for a long time I did not have an opportunity to realise it. The time to make a real jump came when I have started to fly glider. Having a parachute on my back very often pushed me to spend one weekend at the airport and to make my first jump. Rosina already made a jump with some friends of mine, so it was easy decision who should be my instructor. We spent one day by passing, step by step, through the theory of all emergency situations and we tried, many times, to train them. Next day we made the jump! Rosi spent every minute with me, she was so professional and always smiling and she really wanted me to enjoy the jump! I was happy to have someone so positive with me. At first I thought to make just one jump, to be ready in case of emergency escape from the glider, but now I know, after this great weekend, that it was not my last (voluntary) jump.“


Mathieu Guillemin (26), musician - 2 jumps

“I was instructored by Rosina for my first jump. After having gone through all the preparation and security trainings together, came the time to actually board the plane and take off. What a feeling to open the door and see the ground through this little hole on the side of the plane. Let alone the massive kick when you hear the "go!" and eject yourself. After this initial blast comes the rest and gliding part. As a bird, you navigate through the air with this huge space below your feet ... you never be so tall ... except if you take it on and immediately want to go for another round! 

To make a long story short: GO FOR IT :) ”

Don't hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions!

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phone: +420 724 135 492

phone: +34 666 262 917

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Account name: Rosina Kasickova
Account number: 1757020083/0800
IBAN: CZ82 0800 0000 0017 5702 0083
Bank: CS a.s., OP Praha 5, Stefanikova 17/247, Czech Republic

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